Marina & Charles
Every couple gives us a different interaction in the process of making their day even more perfect. Marina and I were roommates for a couple of years, like oil and water that simply worked together. She is incredibly organized, systematic with lists and to-do’s. I am very relaxed and, believe or not, not as systematic as I wanted to be (working on progress, believe me). When I met Charles, I could understand the incredible guy she always talked about. Charles and Marina are more than the “ideal” couple. They’re partners, they are supporters of each other’s dream, they live the life as the biggest adventure ever. Their relationship is a model for today’s couples. It has admiration, it has respect, it has its own individuality, it has its problems, but, what really makes me a fan of theirs is the way they figure out how to resolve a problem.
When they decided to make it forever, I was basically summoned to do it. My first wedding alone, wow. The chance I had to print my own style. Marina and Charles chose the most beautiful venue I’ve ever seen. A Bed & Breakfast right outside Gainesville, in an incredible day, surrounded by family, witnessing the beginning of a journey, with a touch of everyone’s heart into details.
Marina and Charles, I am more than blessed to have you as friends, you are my role-model couple. Thank you for the amazing day and for having me witnessing too the start of your life.
Obrigada lindos por tudo, pelos maravilhosos momentos que compartilhamos e que pude registrar. A honra em te-los como meu primeiro casamento solo é inenarrável.
Love you,

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